Mario Lalancette DT.P

Mario Lalancette DT.P

General Manager
514 355-4330 #225

Marie de Tarlé

Director of Public Affairs
514 355-4330 #221

Janie Hébert

Communications and member services coordinator
514 355-4330 poste #224

Isabelle Ferland

Events, Sponsorship and Partnerships Coordinator
514 355 4330 #226

Alison Caron

Nutritionist, Movement I Love fruits and veggies team
514 355 4330 #240

Anne-Marie Lachapelle

Accounting and administration
514 355-4330 #223

Florence Brassard

Nutrition Bachelor
(514) 355-4330 # 241

Open position

Administration and accounting coordinator
514 355-4330 poste #223

We are at the heart of the fruit and vegetable industry in Quebec

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