

Thank you to all those who responded to our Workforce Flash Survey last April. Your responses enabled Sophie Perreault, QPMA CEO, to present a well-founded assessment of our industry’s labor to Ministers André Lamontagne (MAPAQ- Agriculture, Fisherie and agrifood) and Jean Boulet (MTESS- Labor, Employement and Social solidarity).

With Quebec in the midst of an election period and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) conducting consultations as part of its National Agricultural Labor Strategy, the QPMA is called upon to represent its members on a broader scale.

To get a current and realistic portrait of the Quebec produce industry labor issue, and so to defend your interests, here is a second short survey.

With its precise and concise questions, this survey will allow us to gather quantitative and qualitive data and your opinion on the labor shortage.

Your individual responses will be kept fully confidential and will be only used in combination with other responses.

Please complete this survey before September 27th, 2022.

Thank you in advance for your collaboration!

Complete the survey here (10 minutes)